a message from billy cotton

the pick up stick collection, originally created by multidisciplinary designer billy cotton, has made an exciting transition and officially joined the product family of designer and artisan cam crockford. billy is excited to introduce you all to cam as a bearer of his values and design ethos and as the talented founder of a highly creative design business. cam, design entrepreneur, metalworker and long-time fabrication partner to billy, was integral to the realization of the pick up stick collection at its genesis in 2012.

when billy conceived of this unique product line, he brought on cam who devised a customized and innovative fabrication technique for the collection, drawing from his industrial design training and experience with high-end metalwork. as billy moves into the next chapter of his career and life, he has handed over the pick up stick collection to cam, who will be in charge of fabrication, sales, development and the ongoing growth of this unique product line. cam’s studio has been the exclusive fabricator for the product line since inception, and has been integral to its evolution and a true partner with billy in regards to its success.